Monday, September 7, 2009

Back to School Love Notes

It’s back to school; summer is over and time to see your little one get on the school bus to start a new school year. Another year, can you believe it? Didn’t they just start preschool? Where has time gone? I am sure these are questions that run through every mom’s mind as the bus door begins to open. As scary as it may be for you, it can also be scary for your son or daughter. You can give them all the hugs and kisses you want before the bus comes but once the door closes your child is off for the day.

A great way to put a smile on their face and the next best thing to a hug is a lunch note. These fun I Love You notes are a simple way for you to be part of their day. They are simple to make; all you need is a small piece of paper, some crayons and a bit of creativity. I love you, Have a great day and Enjoy lunch are some of the messages you can fill your child’s lunch box and heart with. Don’t forget, keep it a secret so when that lunch box gets opened your child’s face will light up with delight.

I know when I was a child having something that was from my mother with me made everything better. It helped ease the anxiety of a new situation and gave me the confidence I needed to excel in a given situation.

I wish everyone a happy and fun school year and before you know it summer will be back and you will be wondering where did this year go.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. My son doesnt have any issues with leaving us but I know he would love a note.

