I am extending a very big THANK YOU to Jennica at Peekaboo Kids Gear and I Want to be a Work at Home Mom for including me in the Attitude of Gratitude Award.
Working from home is not always easy but it is rewarding. It provides you with the ability to fulfill your career objectives but at the same time be there for and with your children. I started my business only a few short months ago and I must say it has been a very rewarding experience. One of the best parts of this experience besides having successful sales has been the people I have met and the relationships I have developed. Success does come with time and hard work but it also comes from the help of others. So to all those people who have helped me get my feet off the ground I want to say thank you.
To keep the spirit of the Attitude of Gratitude Award going I nominate the following ten people.
Adventures of Whimsical Walney - Great information provided about CPSIA.
Cafe Handmade - A great place to find everything handmade.
Imaginations - Distinctive and unique photo cards for any occasion.
Marielynn Boutique - Great children's boutique.
My Charmed Life - A blog with information, product reviews and giveaways.
Mom Bloggers Club - A great forum for mom bloggers to meet, network, exchange ideas, blog
posts or just chat.
Retail Minded- A blog about the retail world with valuable information for wholesalers and retailers.
TLC Silver Jewelry- Perfect shopping for the silver jewelry lover.
WAHMPub- A forum for work at home mom and dad to exchange ideas as well as shop in the the WAHMPub shopping mall.
WAHMGroup- A place for work at home moms to connect, gather information and learn.
The Rules of Accepting and Sharing this Award
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they’ve received this award
5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award. Tell us how you’ve come to have an attitude of gratitude